ITSSI collaborated with 2 government ministries and the telecommunications commission to organize a series of talks at different educational institutions in Honiara today to raise awareness about technology. These talks were organized as part of our local efforts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD).
This is an initiative by ITU and many members states are also celebrating this worldwide. This year's theme is "Bridging the standardization gap" which recognizes on of ITU's core tenet because "setting standards is a fundamental pillar of ITU's mission as the specialized agency of the United Nations for information and communication technologies (ICTs)" helps to accelerate ICTs for all Sustainable Development Goals.
The main government institution involved in this effort was the ICTSU of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury led by Sammie Wa'ahero and the Ministry of Communications & Aviation.
ITSSI was represented by most of its executive members Suzanne Orudiana, Alice Aote'e, Marlon Houkarawa, Illa Tura and WITSI representative Letisia Masaea.
USP Centre, St Nicholas, Woodford International School and Honiara High Secondary were some of the institutions that were visited today. The group was only able to visit schools which responded positively to the invitations sent by the local organizing committee.
During the talks the presentations also explained the submarine cable project and provided valuable insight into the work that is currently underway to realize this project. The local celebrations will continue with the team appearing on SIBC on Sunday to host a talk back show in which members of the public can listen in on radio to hear some of the latest news in technology.